Is The Goal To Achieve Balance?

    Is The Goal To Achieve Balance?


    Dear Dr. Heller,

    I was wondering if the medication is just to help with “balance”.  Really, there is no “cure” for borderline… have to just learn how to live with it and the goal is to achieve “balance”.  Is that correct?  If you can find “balance” without the meds then is that what the ultimate goal is?



    No.  The goal is not to achieve “balance”.  My goals are very high when treating the BPD.  The symptoms I want to see gone with medication are: a)    Inappropriate mood swings b)    Chronic anger c)    Emptiness and boredom d)    Emotional pain – feeling like your best friend died e)    Chronic dysphoria (anxiety, rage, depression and despair) and dissociation f)     Control of dysphoria (anxiety, rage, depression and despair) and other stress induced symptoms. I’ve never encountered anyone with the BPD who was able to achieve these goals without medication.

Separator (Biological Unhappiness)


2000 September Questions


Ask the Doctor



What Is Gilbert’s Syndrome?


Dear Dr. Heller,

A friend of mine is suffering from Gilbert’s syndrome, and I therefore went on the Internet to give it a closer scrutiny.  I was surprised to find  nothing.  Oh yes, the name Gilbert’s syndrome was found, but not WHAT IT IS, HOW YOU GET IT and HOW TO CURE IT.  apparently my friend has suffered on and off for years and I have absolutely no idea what it is.  Could you elaborate, please.

From Oslo Norway.



Gilbert’s syndrome is a totally benign condition where the body de-emphasizes breaking down the chemical bilirubin in the blood.  It occurs during infections and significant stress.  It causes an increase in “unconjugated bilirubin” in the blood.  Because of this rise in unconjugated bilirubin, the person can appear yellow (jaundiced). It is not a dangerous condition and has no consequences, except – that without knowing the diagnosis – the patient, the patient’s loved ones, and the physicians can be concerned about the jaundice.

Things Are Getting Worse.  Can You Help?

    Things Are Getting Worse.  Can You Help?


    Dr. Heller,

    I wrote to you not long ago, but I believe that I forgot to give you my email address.  I am writing you again only things have gotten much worse since.  Everything just got to unbearable and I attempted twice to take my life and was unsuccessful.  Once by taking a handful of Ativan, and two days later cutting my wrist.  I am on Wellbutrin and Depakote and I am not noticing any difference.  I was discharged from the hospital yesterday, with the understanding that I would be going to a 28 day treatment facility for drug abuse, but some how the paperwork got screwed up and now they have me on a 7 to 8 wk.  waiting list to get in.

    Everybody that loves me in my life slowly diminishing from my life due to depression to my fits of rage.  I feel sometimes that this course in my life is unstoppable.  I have been dual diagnosed Bipolar and substance abuse but I feel that my problem runs much deeper.  My girlfriend out of profound concern for me has delved into the psych.  world and found your Website.  From reading testimonials and facts she and I feel that there is a great possibility that I could be suffering from borderline personality dis.  as well.




    I would virtually guarantee you that you have the BPD.  Whether you have bipolar or other diagnoses also remains to be seen.  My screening test may be useful to you in this regard.

    It’s important to realize that your condition is potentially fatal.  In my experience your medical regimen is highly unlikely to help and may worsen your condition.  The medications I use are explained at length in my Website.

    I encourage you to read the Website at length and my books since they will give you the hope you so desperately need.  You can do great.

    I have many patients from all over the country (31 states) and abroad (5 countries).  If it’s worth it to you, I’d be happy to see you.  Please look at the section on seeing me as a patient if you wish to do so.

Separator (Biological Unhappiness)


2000 May Questions


Ask the Doctor


What Medications Might Be Right For Me?


Dear Dr. Heller,

I am female and 32 years old.  I have been diagnosed with depression of sorts.  I also find it difficult to concentrate and can’t shut my brain off from worrying about things I shouldn’t concern myself with in the first place.  I have tried Prozac it made me a nervous wreck.  On Zoloft I gained 60 pounds and didn’t find it to really help.  Effexor killed my stomach and made me nervous and could not sleep.  Celexa seemed to be working but I started to gain weight again and got scared so I went off it.  Now I am on Paxil for the past 3 weeks and it seemed to be helping (Got through Xmas really good), but the aftermath is not so good and I am starting to get down again on life, money, etc.  Any suggestions on what medication might be good for me?  Or if I can do it without any meds somehow(?).  We don’t have very good doctors in this area so I feel like I am battling this alone – maybe you can suggest a good doctor in this field someplace near me within a few hours.  I do visit So.  California often as well.



You clearly have the generalized anxiety disorder in addition to any other problems you have.  BuSpar will not only treat it but will allow you to take medications like Zoloft and Prozac without those side effects.  Take a good look at my screening test.  I go into this phenomenon at length in “Biological Unhappiness”.


How Do I Get Rid Of Somatic Complaints?

    How Do I Get Rid Of Somatic Complaints?


    Dear Dr. Heller,

    Hello-I have read Biological Unhappiness and can identify myself and my family with the syndromes that you describe.  I myself somatize emotions and have had a very bad case of gastric esophageal reflux for 5 years.  It is very clear that it was initiated by a psychological event.  (My daughter moved in with her boyfriend.  I was very happy about this; however, the day after the move I was extremely depressed and had a severe case of GERD.  The link between the two events was obviously unconscious).  An endoscopy was negative.

    My question to you is: What medications have you found most effective for somatic symptoms?  Particulary for GAD sufferers.  I see a therapist, and have a massage therapist.  Prozac made me very sick.  Diet doesn’t really have much to do with it.

    Thank you.



    You need BuSpar, with Remeron if the BuSpar causes you side effects.  Somatic symptoms are very frustrating for the patient – but they are a symptom of the anxiety.  Treating all the anxiety disorders and depression is crucial.  Retraining the brain is also necessary.

Separator (Biological Unhappiness)


2000 August Questions


Ask the Doctor



What’s The Difference Between Men And Women With BPD?


Dear Dr. Heller,

Does the BPD’s rage and destructive behaviors manifest differently in men and women? That is, are dyslimbic men more likely to lash out physically to their partners, and women more likely to hurt themselves or their children?  Could men who are chronic abusers be those with untreated Dyslimbia and Sociopathic P.D.?


In general men are more violent when out of control, but it’s not an absolute thing.  I know of many women who physically abuse their spouses and children. Many chronic abusers have the BPD – a.k.a.  Dyslimbia.  I don’t know the statistics but it’s unlikely the antisocial personality disorder would be associated with abuse.  The reason is that emotions – particularly fear – trigger BPD dysphoria (anxiety, rage, depression and despair).  Antisocials are generally not anxious and don’t respond the same way.