Diet and 12 Step Programs Helpful?


Dear Dr. Heller,

I have had most of the symptoms and could have answered yes to most. Since I’ve been on Kay Sheppard’s (Food Addiction, the Body Knows) food plan and attending a 12 step program for food addiction my life has been much more manageable, almost normal. Does this fit with your plan for recovery?



Most 12 step programs make a huge difference. In addition to the structure and support, they offer a spiritual approach which is vital. Self-esteem and self-confidence are usually bolstered dramatically by helping others. I believe strongly in the importance of mind, body & spirit.

Short-time, carbohydrate-free diets can be extremely helpful as well, particularly for those with the BPD and panic disorder as hypoglycemic spells are very damaging. I often recommend the short term use of the Atkin’s diet. High protein and/or high fat diets (and the choice is fat, protein or carbohydrates) have been shown to markedly increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, strokes, and osteoporosis. It’s why the American Diabetes Association abandoned that diet a few years ago.

I know many individuals who have told me similar things. When they get on the medication they need, the difference is remarkable. The symptoms of most biological unhappiness disorders are medically oriented, and can be reduced by good nutrition and worsened by bad nutrition. This has been clearly proven in those with attention deficit disorder.