- Do I Really Need BuSpar Or Is Luvox Alone Enough?
Dr. Heller,
I find your web site fascinating. Question: I have just started taking Luvox to help me with my social phobia, depression, and worst, my unstoppable obsessive thinking patterns. it has been very helpful (I had tried everything else). I was also on BuSpar 40mg a day. My doc said I could back off from the BuSpar cause I was feeling a little too hyper. Do you think Luvox alone is ok (so far so good) or does the BuSpar help? I prefer not to take the BuSpar-it seems to make me edgy! I seem to flip flop between being calmer and more agitated with it.
It depends upon the diagnoses. If the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – particularly the cognitive component – is not present, then you don’t need BuSpar. The GAD is a genetic trait that I often refer to as a “cave guarder.” I explain this in the book “Biological Unhappiness.” All the SSRI’s can work for social phobia, depression and obsessive compulsive problems. I rarely prescribe BuSpar above 15mg twice daily. If the Luvox is working, fine. If it isn’t a re-evaluation is needed. The screening test I use for my patients may be helpful in this regard.