- Is There Much Overlap With BPD, Asperger’s And Seizures?
Dear Dr. Heller, How much overlap do you see clinically between Asperger’s, mixed seizure disorder and BPD for that matter? Do they tend to coexist? Could they all be part and parcel of the same underlying problem? I have often been accused of having BPD, only to note that rather than being unable to tolerate being alone, the only time I am anxiety-free is when I AM alone. Recently I learned about Asperger’s and it fit like a glove and explains everything for the first time in my 48 hellish years of life on Earth. I do have uncontrolled seizures. I would so appreciate a reply.
Asperger’s and the BPD are totally independent conditions that do not overlap in any way. People can have both the BPD and Asperger’s. The key features of Asperger’s are marked social impairment involving lack of enjoyment being with others, and restricted repetitive and stereotypical behaviors. BPD is about mood swings and anger. I believe the BPD is also a form of epilepsy, so it wouldn’t be surprising that a mixed seizure disorder and the BPD could co-exist.