WHAT ABOUT NEUTRACEUTICALS OR BRAIN SURGERY? Ask The Doctor Dr. Leland Heller Biological Unhappiness
Question: Thank you so much for the work you have done in trying to find help to patients with the devastating illness!!! I have three children, two with mental/biological illnesses. My son is 16 years old and was Dx as bipolar this past May after being hospitalized with an acute psychotic episode. He is on Lithium and Risperdal with excellent results (as long as he takes his medication). It is so apparent when he doesn’t because his personality changes drastically. My daughter is 20 years old and since puberty, at age 10, has had a difficult life. Initially, we were told she was the “queen of manipulation” and we were not strict enough. Of course, stronger discipline made things worse. Oppositional defiant disorder was the next Dx, then depression, then bulimia with ADHD, then bipolar with extreme anxiety disorder, then borderline personality disorder and finally, after being hospitalized in her senior year, she was Dx bipolar with borderline traits and extreme anxiety disorder. She has never responded as well to the medication as my son. I have done years of research and know from living 24/7 with my children that their illnesses are very different. My son has immediate improvement on the medication. My daughter never has. After years of trying various medications with many side effects she is now so frustrated she refuses to take all medication. She sees a psychologist when she feels like it. Her life is in a constant turmoil with one crisis after another. She has no true friends, etc. I work managing clinical research studies. In researching for other illnesses we have seen the benefits of nutraceutical products, i.e. Omega-3, B- Complex and minerals. Many employees I work with are using VIBE, a product from Eniva Corp. (www.enivaqualtiy.com, www.eniva.com). What is your opinion VIBE and these products benefitting borderline personality disorder or other mental illnesses? Also, I did not see the recent segment on Prime Time Live, this past week, but I understand brain surgery, similar to the procedure for epilepsy, has been successful for some people with mental illness. What are your thoughts on this new procedure? Dr. Heller’s Answer: Clearly getting the diagnoses correct is the most crucial aspect of helping your daughter. If her symptoms began as a young child, then childhood onset bipolar was likely the diagnosis: http://pks.947.myftpupload.com/BiPlrKid.htm. If the symptoms began or dramatically worsened at puberty, the borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a likely diagnosis. Everything a person has wrong with them makes everything else that’s wrong with them worse. ADHD, BPD, and bipolar can coexist. The screening test (http://pks.947.myftpupload.com/screen.htm) may be of assistance to your daughter. If she does have the BPD, http://pks.947.myftpupload.com/AskDoc/q1.htm may be useful. I’ve never seen a patient be treated successfully more than a few months with supplements or neutraceuticals – and I’m not sure a placebo effect wasn’t the true explanation. The improvement on the correct medications when patients have been taking these supplements is dramatic. Omega 3’s have shown to be of help with bipolar, but I’ve never seen any significant improvement in any patient. I have seen an adolescent who didn’t respond to medications who actually had mercury poisoning, and he responded dramatically to chelation. Surgery is a long way off. I don’t believe the BPD is located in any particularly structure. For example it’s not an “amygdala dysfunction.” The BPD is due to a specific inborn instinct that malfunctions (the “trapped, cornered, wounded animal” response). I’m suspicious that multiple areas within the limbic system and possibly the frontal lobe are involved. No one has a serious clue as to which specific brain areas are actually involved. Until that is identified and proven to only be involved in this disorder, surgery will not be an option.
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“Biological Unhappiness” “Open this book and it will open your mind. By combining proven medical procedure with hope and inspiration, Dr. Heller has made a significant difference in thousands of patients who had little hope for recovery. “Biological Unhappiness” contains critical information for those who have lost hope.”Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker, author, See You at the Top, Over the Top, Success for Dummies, Raising Positive kids in a Negative World.
Dr. Leland Heller Dyslimbia Press, Inc. 1713 US Hwy 441 N, Suite E Okeechobee, FL 34972 863-467-8771 Email:
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