Ask The Doctor Dr. Leland Heller Biological Unhappiness
Question: I am a therapist working for Devereux of Florida. I have been intensively trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which was designed by Marsha Linehan to work with Borderline Personality Disorders. Have you had any experience with this type of counseling? If so, how do you rate it? My understanding is that the literature of the day speaks volumes to how great it works, but I did not see it mentioned on your website. Dr. Heller’s Answer: I have enormous respect for what Marsha Linehan has accomplished, and I admire her work and her efforts. Although the study was not truly blinded for the absence of psychotropic medications, with DBT she was the first to show significant quantifiable improvement from psychological counseling in treating borderlines, with a 50% reduction in parasuicidal behavior (self-mutilation and suicide attempts). Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) has shown effectiveness in substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders as well. Based on a Zen model (Dr. Linehans description), DBT principles can be used by any therapist, although the landmark BPD study used multiple therapists working as a team. Ive had some patients go through DBT programs and rated it very highly, particularly the reframing skills they learned. Ive also have a few who believed it didnt help them. There are many references to DBT on my website, primarily in the “Ask the Doctor” and “Medline research on the borderline personality disorder” sections. I believe all borderlines need counseling, although a significant percentage cant afford it. Most BPD patients have told me that counseling was of minimal or no benefit until their medications were right. Once successfully treated medically, most borderlines have a difficult time finding a good therapist. They need a non-judgmental, knowledgeable, optimistic, compassionate, dedicated, strong human being who is willing to be truthful and unwilling to be manipulated – whatever their specific school of therapy. The focus needs to be on now and the future, with minimal emphasis on the past. I congratulate you on your training, and hope youre one of those people. There are many borderlines out there who desperately need good therapists. To the best of my knowledge there have been no head to head studies of one form of psychotherapy versus another for BPD treatment, with or without medications. Most research that Ive encountered advocates some form of cognitive/behavioral therapy. I am not trained as a psychotherapist. Dr. Gunderson from Harvard advocates psychodynamic psychotherapy, but only by an extremely well trained therapist. He believes this form of psychotherapy “has been a serious disservice” to BPD patients when the therapist isnt adequately trained or experienced. Psychoanalysis doesnt work and usually makes borderlines worse, particularly those who experienced childhood abuse. Many patients have told me this, and there is evidence for this conclusion in the literature. Rehashing the past usually makes borderlines worse. Since Im a strong believer in the BPD medical model, my preference is to get the medically treatable symptoms treated first. I then emphasize recognition and medical treatment of dysphoric episodes, so that raging and self-destructive behaviors can be prevented, reduced or controlled. Dysphoric episodes cause most of the damage and need to be treated aggressively. All it takes is one bad episode to destroy a marriage or a life. Ive worked for over 15 years with therapist Mary Sales. She focuses on helping borderlines recognize when they need their as needed medications for dysphoria, affirmations, relaxation techniques, and cognitive/behavioral approaches. I saw significant similarities to Ms. Sales approach when reading Marsha Linehans descriptions of how she interacts with patients. Im also a big believer in motivational and “success” techniques that are used in the business and personal growth arena, particularly Zig Ziglars work. Learning how to be a success in every area of life is a critical process for recovery from the BPD. Borderlines often need training in social and life skills, particularly those who have been abused and/or those with ADHD. Borderlines have to heal mind, body and spirit. They need to “retrain the brain.” Theres an old saying: no executive on his death bed ever said “I wish Id spent more time at the office.” The BPD usually deprives them of healthy love relationships. I believe that eventually being able to have those kind of love relationships is an important goal of treatment. Ive communicated with therapists, patients, family members and clinicians about DBT. This communication combined with the medical literature from Medline (National Library of Medicine) and the books Ive read (such as “Borderline Personal Disorder” – edited by Mary Zanarini, PhD from Harvard) shows that DBT can be helpful for many people, sometimes extraordinarily helpful. Your statement “the literature of the day speaks volumes to how great it works” overstates what the literature actually shows, however. Most DBT studies are short term, and the landmark study only showed a 50% reduction in self-mutilation and suicide attempts. I got involved treating borderlines because psychiatrists wouldnt treat my patients, and I was having success – particularly after reading the medical literature and the conversations I had with NIMH researcher (and former acting director) Dr. Rex Cowdry. I see 4-6 new BPD patients per week and probably 5-8 follow ups per day as part of my regular practice. Ive treated thousands of individuals with the BPD. With the correct medications, I expect all unprovoked mood swings, chronic anger, chronic irritability, and emptiness to be completely gone. I dont consider any self-mutilation episodes to be acceptable. Mary Sales and I have learned a lot over the years, and I believe a combination of what weve learned with many aspects of DBT could be sensational.
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“Biological Unhappiness” “Open this book and it will open your mind. By combining proven medical procedure with hope and inspiration, Dr. Heller has made a significant difference in thousands of patients who had little hope for recovery. “Biological Unhappiness” contains critical information for those who have lost hope.”Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker, author, See You at the Top, Over the Top, Success for Dummies, Raising Positive kids in a Negative World.
Dr. Leland Heller Dyslimbia Press, Inc. 1713 US Hwy 441 N, Suite E Okeechobee, FL 34972 863-467-8771 Email:
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